Friday, March 21, 2014

Ruby had another eye surgery last Thursday to trim the shunt, which was put in to drain the pressure. Glaucoma makes they eye bigger, so once the pressure drains it shrunk back down causing the shunt to be too long, irritating the cornea. I don't know if this helped cause the cloudiness to the cornea, but I can tell you that I remember watching the change. It was right after the first cataract surgery. The left eye was worse than the right and I remember talking to my brother on the phone and saying, "it's like I can't even see a pupil anymore." Weirdest and scariest thing to see knowing something's not right. That's when we found out about the glaucoma. 
Surgery Thursday went really well. Ruby bounced back and she's already opening her eye if it was uncomfortable because the shunt was irritating. Poor thing. It's so hard to find things out that are going on and only to realize that, "well, duh, that's why she wasn't opening her eye very much!"
We are on two drops (4x/day) right now and have seen the dr. twice since surgery. He said everything looks good and he wanted to see us in two weeks. I asked him what we were looking at further out. I hate the wrap up with nothing for me to anticipate. I need time frames. He then said he wants to get an ultrasound (no anesthesia required) done from a specialist that does that right in his office. He wants to make sure there is no odd shaping going on in the back of the eye. Then we'll follow up in 4-6 weeks and if there is no clearing of the cornea go to a cornea specialist to talk about a cornea transplant. (Insert where I ask for faith and fasting and prayers) We have 4-6 weeks and I know anything can happen in such a short time frame. I do know she can see out of that eye. When we patched it, it's very obvious.  Thank heavens for tender mercies. Just the fact that I know she can see out if it, even if I don't know how much. And the fact that the low pressure and the shortened shunt make it totally possible to clear up the cornea. It's almost like her vision , even with the cloudy cornea has gotten better, though. She is the smiliest thing and I know it's because she can see who and what is going on more!  I am hopeful. I am scared if I go back and have him say the words referring us away, but it'll all be ok. And I have comfort in me knowing that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney! My name is Amanda and I have been following you and Ruby. I happen to stumble across your blog when I was searching for info about the tucker sling, as our daughter is also sleeping prone in one (also has a cleft and feeding troubles). It seems that our sweet girls have much in common with their "extras". Id love to connect with you as your strength has been inspiring and we are just starting this journey! Your Ruby is a doll and we are praying for her. Here is my BlogSpot link: I just had a minute to sit down and start our blog, so I really haven't touched on nearly as much as we have been through. Im slowly updating it. Thanks so much!
